Do You Have Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI)?

Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) is an abnormal flow of blood through the veins.
How do you know if you have CVI? Watch out for these SEVEN WARNING SIGNS:

1. Do You See Spider or Varicose Veins?
Spider veins and varicose veins are usually visible to the naked eye. Are your veins reddish or purple? Are they bulging? If so, this could indicate abnormal blood flow.

2. Do You Regularly Experience Leg Pain or Discomfort?
Chronic Venous Insufficiency causes the following symptoms—especially after prolonged standing or sitting:

  • Aching
  • Heaviness
  • Throbbing
  • Burning
  • Itching
  • Cramping
  • Tingling
  • Stinging
  • Numbness

If you frequently experience one or more of these symptoms, you should consult a vein specialist.

3. Do You Have Swollen Legs or Ankles?
CVI can cause swelling in the legs and ankles after prolonged sitting or standing. Aggravation often occurs later in the day. There are multiple health issues that cause the swelling of legs and ankles, but you should consult a vein specialist to rule out the possibility of Chronic Vein Insufficiency.

4. Are Your Legs Restless or Cramping?
If you have uncomfortable tingling sensations in your legs, especially late in the evening or upon going to bed, it could be caused by CVI. Patients who suffer from Chronic Venous Insufficiency are often compelled to move their legs, finding their legs uncomfortable at rest.

A correlation between restless legs syndrome (RLS) and CVI is not yet firmly established, but some research has tied them together. You may consider having a comprehensive vein screening at Midwest Vein Care before you begin taking medicines for RLS.

5. Do Your Legs Feel Tired or Heavy?
CVI can cause sudden fatigue in the legs after small amounts of activity or after standing for only a few minutes. The fatigue caused by CVI is often coupled with an overall lack of energy.

6. Do You See Discoloration and Scaring of the Skin on Your Legs?
If you have rashes, redness, or inflammation, especially around the lower legs and ankles, you may actually have venous stasis dermatitis. Untreated vein disease can turn into hyperpigmentation that causes brown or dark stains on your legs. A more serious condition is lipodermatosclerosis, characterized by the skin and soft tissue around the lower legs and ankles scaring so severely that skin looks and feels like leather.

The sooner you receive treatment for Chronic Vein Insufficiency the better.
At Midwest Vein Care, we can spot and treat vein disease before it worsens.

7. Do You Have Open Sores or Ulcers on Your Lower Legs or Ankles?
Severe CVI that is left untreated for a prolonged time can lead to open wounds known as venous stasis ulcers. Venous stasis ulcers can be slow to heal, sometimes taking months or even years.

For more information on Chronic Venous Insufficiency
or to schedule a consultation with a vein specialist, contact Midwest Vein Care today.

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